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10:00am, Thursday 20th February until
1:00pm, Sunday 23rd February 2025
Ivanhoe School, North Street, Ashby LE65 1HX
The Event
Take Part
The Charity
The Inspiration
About the club
The Event
Take Part
The Charity
The Inspiration
About the club
Headline Sponsors
Saffron Catering
Total Raised So Far:
Participation Agreement
Thank you for agreeing to take part in the Netball Marathon. So that we can all be safe and enjoy taking part in the event, we need all particpants to read through the following documentation and enter their details below to show their agreement.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to take part in the event if you don't agree with these terms and conditions.
Event Details
Ivanhoe School, North St, Ashby-De-La-Zouch, LE65 1HX
February 20
- February 23
Carla Garey, Contact 07989 985 401
Your Details
Your Name:
Date of Birth:
I'm Participating:
(select at least 1)
As a player and I have read the
Player Guidelines
As an umpire and I have read the
Umpire Guidelines
As shift manager.
As a Volunteer.
You need to select your participation
First Aid:
I am fully-trained as a first-aider
Under 18?:
I will be under 18 years of age on February 20th 2025.
For players under 18 wishing to participate in play in the Ashby Netball Club marathon.
We take the safety of children very seriously and have made the appropriate checks to reasonably ensure that all teams meet our high standards of safety and care.
Please note that for any participants under 16
, they will only be eligible to play the allotted junior slot which is Friday 1pm to 4pm and has extra provision and three safeguarding, adult players that will be on court with your young people, and the rest of the players are all under 18 players.
16 to 18 year olds
can play at any time during the day time only. From 10am to 10pm.
Name of parent/carer:
Emergency Contacts
Contact 1 Name:
Contact 1 Tel:
Contact 2 Name:
Contact 2 Tel:
Medical Info:
Please provide details of any medical condition(s) or other information you feel we should know.
If your child has a medical condition which requires medication, it is imperative that they have their medication with them for the event. Unfortunately if such medication is not available, your child will not be able to participate in the event.
Tick to Agree:
(all required)
I am aware that my child’s participation in the marathon has some inherent risks and that these risks have been adequately assesd for young people.
I am aware my child will be playing in a team of senior players over the age of 18 with varying degrees of netball experience. This will include physical and mental play against individuals who are older and possibly more experienced within the sport and physical contact is possible. I acknowledge that there has been a fully informed discussion between the organiser of this event to manage the risk and I am confident about the suitability of play for my young person.
In consideration of my child being allowed to participate I assume the risk of all injury and agree not to hold Ashby Netball Club and its associates or affiliates, liable for any and all injuries caused by or resulting from participating in netball during the 75 hour period.
I consent to staff members carrying emergency contact information concerning my child.
Add your signature below.(use your finger on a touch-screen or mouse on a PC)
Please sign the form
Next of Kin Name:
Next of Kin Tel:
Other Info:
If there's anything else you feel we should know, please make a note here
Tick to Agree:
(all required)
My Health:
I agree that I am in good health and have not been advised against participating by a medical professional.
Media Permission:
I am happy to be photographed / videoed for use in promoting the event.
I also agree to the following:
I will undertake the Activity in accordance with the safety rules made available to me prior to participation and the advice given prior to participation or advice given to me prior to or during the session.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own safety while undertaking the Activity.
I agree that, to the best of my knowledge, I am in good physical condition and I do not have any medical condition which might have the effect of making it more likely that I will be involved in an incident which could result in injury to myself or others.
I certify that I have no pre-existing medical conditions which could, through participation in the Activity, result in injury to myself or damage to my health.
Saffron Catering